I've been interested in acting and filming for a while, and had been looking for roles and auditions for films,programs and anything that would help me with acting and give me a real experience of what being on set and performing on camera would be like, so i started getting some background extra roles and turning up for auditions and then i finally found a role that suits me, the things i like and how i act in real life ...
...so...i went for it and camille (the director ) was on a tight scedule and she was intrested in casting me ....i got it!!!!
When it came to the day we were filming it . i had to wake up extra early an by extra i mean really early ! (well for me) so we drove to the set (camilles house) and we started to build up the garage to make the viewers believe this garage was a real bedroom so i unpacked lots of posters and things we had brought along with me from my bedroom and after 10 miniutes of work ! tadaar, magic, it looked rall good on camera and in action! i got changed into some PJ's and camille had been trying to steam up the bathroom mirror but it wasnt working, an we just sort of improvised an skipped that unnocticably. we filmed various shots of me tidying myself up with aftershave, shave cream, but the thing is the shave cream was quite annoying because we had to film it many times i ended up swallowing it and it was in my hair and it was just crazy. we started filming the cooking scene which was also very CRAZY!!! lots of throwing flower , drinking hot chocalate and messy ingredients but we filmed this scene lots which was intresting and because camilles mum was trying to tidy up we were trying to make the continuaty errors not noticable . after hard work and mess we set up the equitment in the garage and started filming some bits and pieces which dont look to be much but lots of footage was cut out due to the length of the shots because we had about 20 mins worth of filming . i had to change into about five different costumes which was fussy but worked out well and you only see about three of the suits on the edit but some took up too much time. when we got to the main scene which was th longest and had the most work to be done, we had a good part of it that we really loved and would of improved it but unfortunatly it takes up too much time. i had few difficlties were it looked like was glancing at the camera lens , but it turned out fantastic and a pleasure to watch . my dad was the sound guy, and had to lay on the bathroom floor for ages to get some of it, and we changed the script a few times as Colt seemed quite American, we wanted an English style to it.
The kiss was awkward at first, i kept saying sorry to my dad whenever i kissed anna, wasn't really an excuse to have to kiss her more or anything.
luckily camilles mum was a excellent curry maker and i had the most wonderful chicken curry with banana and rice!!!
i think colton is a very bright charactor who acts asthough he's 18, i enjoyed playing the role of colton and i hope we win! Lots of my friends have watched it and think its really cool, ive
asked camille to mae the full twenty minute version as we shot a great fantasy sequence.
thanks and fingers crossed!
from colton (alex williams).
Nathan Gower (Friday, 07 December 2012 00:08)
Thanks for sharing your blog! I really enjoyed your performance, and I think you are an extremely talented young actor. You have real charm and charisma, and you come off very natural on camera. Whether or not Camille's version wins, job well done.