The 50Kisses competition has entered a quiet period, as those in charge of creating a feature film consisting of many separate and, often, very different short films beaver away at the seemingly impossible task. Roughly 130 films sit idle, waiting to hear whether they have made the final cut. Each and every one of the films entered into the 50Kisses competition are something to be proud of and certainly not something that should be left alone and put to bed.
We have a small army here, an army of filmmakers who can support one another and push each other’s film to victory elsewhere.
Why sit by and call your film a job done? There are enough films in this competition to take festivals by storm and it won’t take long before audiences unanimously perceive 50Kisses to be the home of great film. Success elsewhere helps everyone once 50Kisses is released with a fixed base of interest.
As others have done before me, I have entered my entry ‘Last Chance’ into Shooting People’s Film of the Month leaderboard. If any of you have a membership there, please consider helping me out. I would definitely return the favour and I urge anyone who can to post their films on the Shooting People leaderboard over the next few months.
Wherever you take your film, you need only return here and let everyone know and the whole of 50Kisses will provide support.
Get your films out there, spread the word, 50Kisses is coming and we are all proud of what we have accomplished.
Shaun Bond
Edward (Wednesday, 13 March 2013 13:44)
Very disappointed with 50 Kisses. People have put in a lot of effort for this competition. Already a month past deadline. 50 Kisses team doesn't know it's own capacity to handle a project, how can they judge other people's works.
Deanna (Wednesday, 13 March 2013 14:23)
We have entered our two 50 kisses films into several film festivals and waiting to hear if successful.
Shaun Bond (Wednesday, 13 March 2013 14:53)
Best of luck Deanna!