Watch the eight films produced from the single two page screenplay ‘Neil’ by Nigel Karikari.
A few of the 50 Kisses scripts were very popular with the filmmakers, including ‘NEIL’, which resulted in eight films being made from the same script. Here are the eight films back to back.
It’s fascinating to compare each, to see what some got right were others didn’t. Pace and tone are also varied.
You can read the screenplay for NEIL by Nigel Karikari below, including development notes...
Neil by Nigel Karikari Draft 2
Draft One Producers Development Notes for the author
1. We liked this script, thought it was a good idea well executed. You might want to consider taking the explicit crying instruction out. Let the actor show the emotions the character is feeling
on their face.
2. You might want to consider having the woman be questioned about her experience rather than fill in a form. This way the audience gets to hear what she is being asked and why she is showing her
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