Near Kisses Scripts 201 to 300
Read scripts 1 to 100 here and 201 to 300 here.
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A Sexist Valentines Conversation
Two men blow kisses at girls but have a sexist conversation by Thom Osborn
A peculiar meeting between two original human beings by Louise Dubois
Valentines is here, but what about Cupid? by Craig Priestley
A love story exploring your first, true love but with a twist by Robert Hodge
Their first time just might be their last... by Isaac Kinsey
A woman at breaking point finds the courage to love herself by David Maddison
Four privileged passengers aboard Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipOne prepare for a romantic trip into space, but the flight ends in an arrest, a breakup and perjury by Ralph Renouf
High school classmates meet again in Iraq as one is injured and raced to a field hospital, he professes his interest in her and steals a kiss by Carissa Marks
How can the fate make a girl love a day she has always hated? by Francesca Gajo
Valentine’s Night and an inexperienced teenager realises her kissing technique leaves a lot to be desired by Laura Dishington
Two Final Nights; One dark secret by Jeff Mooney
A wife. A husband. A mother. A child. A victim. Who will have the last kiss of the day? by Andy Pollard
Little Indie is determined her mum will have a date on Valentine's Day. All she needs is a bag of chocolates and some good acting! by CC Wang
Working in a bar on Valentine's Night, friends Lukasz and Minna watch couples play games to reignite old passions. Will they discover a new passion of their own? by Michelle Duffy
A woman comes home to cook a romantic meal for her abusive partner and panics when she realises her son is in the house by MJ Hermanny
Iestyn and Linette, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health …. by JL Swift
In a surburban house, early on Valentine's morning, an affair comes to an end... by Lisa Howells
On his wife's birthday, Valentine's Day, Bill Feldman builds a nest for his unborn child by Sabina Giado
Two eleven year olds find out about the pressures of 'going out' on a not so perfect Valentine's day by Magali Lamarre
Space saints Valentine and Virginia bring an Earth couple together.....only she is a nun! by Mary Anstey
Love can be tough out on the moors by Elaine Tellez Garita
A woman and a man meet in a loud club, where they have fun and talk by reading from each other's mouth. When they go out it turns out the guy is deaf-mute by Alexandra Rak
True love outlives life in this Valentine's ghost story by David John Buckley
Love is buying socks together by Fran Zuch
A woman is in terrible duress as a group of mafia type thugs stand guard, until it is finally revealed that their boss is her husband and she is trying to delay giving birth on Valentine's Day so she doesn't have to name her son Valentino by Laurie Ashbourne
For most of us, Valentine's day is all about good old romance. But some
people take it to the next level, in tune with our depraved times by Jim Nadackal
What may seem to be idle routine for this middle aged couple is in reality anything but... by Steve Hunt
A lonely woman looks for romance on valentines day - but at what price? by Conan D'Agostino
On the run, running out of time, tick tock, the train wont stop, can he get his girl? by Sara-Ellen Scalise
What could be worse than the shock of discovering the woman you love is with someone else? by Conan D'Agostino
Love Across Time
Is true love eternal? by Rita Wheeler
A little boy comes home after school with something very important inside his hand and don't want to open it anyways, which make his parents both curious and concerned. by Catarina
How far will a couple go to save an affair wrecked-marriage, when the only mistress left now is a fickle one. by Daren Thomas
Lewis has nothing left to live for until he receives a kiss from his dead wife. by Martyn Deakin
A man runs down a darkened road with a message running through his head. But who's the message for? by Ioan Holland
It’s Valentine’s Day but whilst Jessica is in bliss, she finds her neighbour at the lowest point of her life. by Patricia Mbangui
Even after death, the pull of true love is too strong to resist. By Robert Warren
Anna's parents were planning to go out tonight. But not now. by Gordon Slack
Decent Proposal
Laurence is so frightfully nervous about asking sophisticated Cynthia THAT Michael Monkhouse
Bill and June
An elderly yorkshire couple, having been reminded of their own mortality, reflect upon a defining moment in their past. by Lou Martens
Valentine's Reservations
One spineless boyfriend and one high maintenance girlfriend equals a Valentine’s Day to forget. By Nina Crane