50 Kisses The Winners
The Award Winners for 50 Kisses
- Best Performance, Elizabeth Croft for ‘A Kiss Goodbye’
- Best Production Design, Laura Kettle for ‘Neil’
- Best Cinematography, Marc Greenfield for ‘Practice Makes Perfect’
- Best Editing, Anil Rao for ‘Neil’
- Best Music, Daniel Pemberton for ‘Neil’
- Promo Award, Tess Tyler for the song ‘Stunt Poetry’
- Best Song, Fuzzy Jones for the song ‘Swans’
- Best Sound Design, Simon Reglar and Ben Baird for ‘Neil’
- Guerilla Film Award, Phil Peel for ‘Love’
- Best Director, Staré Yildirim for ‘The Good Night’
- Best Film, Evan Marlowe for ‘Smasheroo’
- Audience Award To Be Announced
The 51 Screenwriters of 50 Kisses
- Nick Grills for ‘Last Chance’
- Gabriella Apicella for ‘Other People's Kisses’
- Kirsty McConnell for ‘Enough’
- James Howard for ‘Smasheroo’
- Kenneth J Lemm for ‘That Good Night’
- Sarah Page for ‘Beryl’
- Mark Pallis for ‘Practice Makes Perfect’
- Anne-Marie Draycott & Charity Trimm for ‘Dream Date’
- Phil Berard for ‘Close Encounters’
- Jo Buckman for ‘You Used To Bring Me Flowers’
- Nathan Gower for ‘Colton's Big Night’
- Kulvinder Gill for ‘Romantic Hideaway’
- Peter Carruthers for ‘Never Forget’
- Rob Burke for ‘Love’
- Nigel Karikari for ‘Neil’
- Richard Green for ‘The Last Supper’
- Stephen Cooper for ‘The Moment’
- John Thornton for ‘Getting A Head Of Your Self’
- Vanessa Yardley for ‘Priceless’
- Ryan La Via for ‘Red Light’
- Mark Jones for ‘Lonely Heart’
- Tina Lowe for ‘A Kiss Goodbye’
- Nina Haerland for ‘Nothing Ventured’
- Marc Lockier for ‘60 Year Valentine’
- Lawrence Diamond for ‘A Glasgow Kiss’
- Ross Aitken for ‘Advice’
- Rhys Howell for ‘Boxes’
- Louise McCooey for ‘Cloudy Days’
- Oliver Morran for ‘Countdown’
- Arron Ferguson for ‘Don't’
- Jennifer Leigh Allen for ‘First, Last, Best’
- Chris Mueller for ‘Her and Him’
- Emily Salter for ‘I'll Stand By You’
- K Satchwell for ‘Jealous Making’
- Jess Smith for ‘Kisses from Jessica’
- Sue Whitting for ‘Love Letters’
- Phil Charles for ‘Lunchtime’
- Andrew Turvil for ‘On Thy Cheeks A Fading Rose’
- Tracey Flynn for ‘Poster Boy’
- Jesco Puluj for ‘Proof of Love’
- Honor Flaherty for ‘Sloppy Snogs’
- Mac McSharry for ‘SWALK’
- Nathanael Bauer for ‘The Great Kiss Heist’
- David Griffith for ‘The Cyclist’
- Sam Heydon for ‘The Nearness of You’
- Christopher D Bacon for ‘Tied Up’
- Rachel McAdam for ‘The Price of Romance’
- Lloyd Morgan for ‘A Ghetto Punk Romance’
- Nick Luddington for 'Unbearable'
- Stephen O'Brien for 'First/Last'
The Filmmaking Teams Top 25
▪ Last Chance by Mirror Image, written by Nick Grills
▪ Close Encounters by Barnstorm Pictures, written by Phil Berard
▪ Other Peoples Kisses by Simon Foster, written by Gabriella Apicella
▪ Enough by Puzzle Pictures, written by Kirsty McConnell
▪ Smasheroo by Sweet Home Films, written by James Howard
▪ That Good Night by Team Solution, written by Kenneth J Kemm
▪ Beryl by Capitol City, written by Sarah Page
▪ Practice Makes Perfect by Team Station, written by Mark Pallis
▪ Dream Date by Makelight Productions, written by Anne-Marie Draycott & Charity Trimm
▪ You Used to Bring Me Flowers by Open All Hours Media, written by Jo Buckman
▪ Colton's Big Night by Sun Rock Productions, written by Nathan Gower
▪ Romantic Hideaway by Team Scribble, written by Kulvinder Gill
▪ Never Forget by Black Toffee / SnapperPunchFish Productions, written by Peter Carruthers
▪ Love by Grindstone Films, written by Rob Burke
▪ Neil by Anil Rao, written by Nigel Karikari
▪ First / Last by Cut to Productions, written by Stephen O’Brien
▪ Unbearable by Darkwood Films, written by Nick Luddington
▪ Neil by Storydigital, written by Nigel Karikari
▪ The Last Supper by James Cookson, written by Richard Green
▪ The Moment by A Silver Bullet, written by Stephen Cooper
▪ Getting Ahead of Yourself by Uncle Susan Films, written by John Thornton
▪ Priceless by UNEZEYES Productions, written by Vanessa Yardley
▪ Red Light by Good Shout, written by Ryan La Via
▪ Lonely Heart by Good Shout, written by Mark Jones
▪ A Kiss Goodbye by Under Your Hat Productions, written by Tina Lowe