Winners Announced
Congratulations to...
Marc Lockier, Larry Diamond, ,Tina Lowe, Ross Aitken, ,Sarah Page, Rhys Howell, Phil Berard, Louise McCooey, Nathan Gower, Oliver Drew, Arron Ferguson, Anne-Marie Draycott & Charity Trimm, Kirsty McConnell, Jennifer Leigh Allen, Stephen O'Brien, Chris Mueller,Emily Salter, K Satchwell,Jess Smith, Nick Grills, Mark Jones, Rob Burke, Sue Whitting, Phil Charles, Nigel Karikari, Peter Carruthers, Nina Haerland, Andrew Turvil,John Thornton, Gabriella Apicella, Tracey Flynn, Mark Pallis, Vanessa Yardley, Jesco Puluj, Ryan La Via, Kulvinder Gill, Honor Flaherty, James Howard, Mac McSharry, Kenneth J Lemm, David Griffith, Nathanael Bauer, Richard Green, Stephen Cooper, Sam Heydon, Christopher D Bacon, Nick Luddington, Jo Buckman, Rachel McAdam and Lloyd Morgan.
Read scripts...
Don't forget to rate the scripts you read!
Do please start reading from a random script number as the first page is geeting all the heat right now.
PLEASE do not leave anonymous feedback, it will be removed.
In no particular order...
Runners up
Thank you to our readers
And a big thank you to our readers who worked all hours and unpaid to bring this prject to life. Thank you for us all!
They are... Steven Russell, Vanessa Quiney, Tom Kerevan, Alex Wilson, Sal Rowberry, Gail Hackston, Michelle Goode, Alli Parker and Sam Hutchinson.
Round of applause please!