'First/Last' by Cut To Productions
Second Edit
We are students at the University of Manchester. For most of us this was our third project together, shot on a Canon 6D Mark II on the grand budget of 20 quid.
Read 'First/Last' HERE
Second Cut Comments... have YOUR say!
'First/Last' by Cut To Productions
First Edit
First cut: Producers notes for the filmmakers
- Trim the kiss in the middle
- Music good but goes on a bit too long around the climax. Try shorting picture there too.
- Work on your dialogue tracks, they are good, but could be better.
- Congratulations on creating a real moment too, not everyone achieved that
- Great end shot
Love it!
the chemistry between the two is amazing. beautiful music and well shot. I'm sure you can cut it a bit. great job!:-)
Thanks for your comments guys! Any feedback on where it could benefit from being cut down (if you think it does need to be) would be appreciated.
I have the same dilemma with my film. If you take out the music score it may be easier to find some fine tune edits - possible around 2'00 mark and 2'50 - 3'20 the actual kissing shots to the reveal. However, nothing drastic to ruin the pace. Love the grading, especially works over slow motion shots at end.
Incredible job. Hope you find a way to cut it to the lengh 50 kisses want but you should keep this cut for yourself because it's seriously good. well done.
This is a great piece of work the acting and score are both fantastic. I can see lots of places where you can fine tune the editing. Be quicker with the kissing cuts, you don't need to repeat them so much to still carry the visual of the passion. You can also cut out the wide opening shot, and trim most of the shots leading to the kiss. This film will be even better when it is trimmed - you won't lose anything.
Dialogue tracks slightly muffled in places - the masks probably to blame - but some lines are lost. Otherwise, great all the way through, but the end in particular works a treat.
Brilliant shot! Great acting! Very believable!
Shot to the top of my favourites - great performances, the girl in particular is brilliant. Love the final shot and I think the music really works. Would possibly look to a change in music cue to go with the transition in performance when the disease starts to take, and yes, trim - especially the beginning.
Love it as is though. -
You got some lovely actors there! Nice job.
great acting and editing in this really got the tempo - can't work out - WHO IS THE CARRIER - ARE THE BOTH DOOMED??
Scott is just a carrier, Maz gets the disease from him, so she's the only one who is doomed, hope its clear in the narrative? Thanks for all the comments, great to hear the positives and the feedback has been really helpful in the re-edit - keep it coming!
I have only begun to start watching all these films and to all involved with this production, especially your direction Kingsley, you should be extremely proud of yourselves. I truly adored the sentiment in this, you had me. The naturalness of your performers and the correct emotional intelligence is spot on, once you cement that in the viewer, you have won.
Of course being me I would have re-structured the obvious till the last minute, I actually want to re-edit this as I saw the ending as soon as it started. I believe and feel when the kiss starts it loses its momentum, if it is the music that is holding you back, trim it back, or why not cut it out altogether. Between this moment and then when the story picks up again it slows down, this would be the only comment I would make to get to you to the point, without losing the magic you already have there. All in all a very special film, especially in achieving the real of the feel, an action that is very hard in itself to deliver. Congratulations. -
Great performances and I love how you crossed the line when she contracts the disease. Work on color correction and grading. The brightness of the shots don't always match; some are too dark. Either bring up the intro dialogue or ADR. The music is too loud at the start. Probably could stand to lose a minute in the edit. I felt it dragged til the end where the real meat is. Best ending shot I've seen in the competition, just magical.
I've cut just over a minute and it feels a lot tighter now - Anil I've trimmed the kiss so hopefully the final cut will have that momentum back in the second half. ADR scheduled for tomorrow and then I can really work on all sound. Thanks for the comments guys!
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Eddie Saint-Jean (Wednesday, 12 June 2013 19:52)
Great! The acting and the film score make it. Simple film-making, emotive film-making.
Petroula Kaneti-Dimmer (Friday, 14 February 2014)
Truly beautiful and heartbreaking. The script, directing and acting were superb. And that musical score, wow it melts you.