'First/Last' by WTF Prawn
(Kuala Lumpur, MY) Second Edit
We chose the script -- First/Last -- because everyone loves the idea of having their first kiss be hyper romantic and beautiful, but in real life, it's mostly always lame; we wanted to take that back, to make a film with a hyper romantic first kiss because that fascinates us; the futurism and disease, not so much. We wanted to make a film that focused more on the couple and the kiss, and less on the futurism and the disease. Our budget was RM200 (40 GBP) which we spent on the the masks and printing the posters and buying water for everyone during the shoot. We shot the film over the course of six hours on a Saturday night with a couple of friends on a Canon 7D.
Read 'First/Last' HERE
First Cut Comments... have YOUR say!
'First/Last' by WTF Prawn
(Kuala Lumpur, MY) First Edit
First cut: Producers notes for the filmmakers
- Trim down, its just too long – too many shots of posters.
- Who is the girl on the bike?
- Voices too muted when masks are on
- Work on the music, the crackles sound like a mistake at first
Thought after the first minute that I was going to really enjoy this version but then it turned into a completely different film. Think if you stuck with the atmosphere and vibe you created in the set-up it could have been very interesting but after a great set up it felt rather generic and rushed. Not sure about the music or effect even during and after the kiss repectively either
Think at this stage you're probably best off just cutting alot of the beginning to get the run time down and working on creating a sound design in the car.
Interested to see what others think.
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